
Showing posts from 2017

Vacation - The mind refresher...

The breaks you take from work, pay you back manifold when you return because you come back with a fresher mind and newer thinking. Some of your best ideas come when you are on vacation. - Gautam Singhania Why do we need a vacation? Have anybody of us thought about the need for a vacation?  Vacation isn’t necessarily taking off from work and going around places, it is a break from our regular routine. Taking a break from our regular routine is really important for our mental and physical well- being. A few of them feel fresh when they laugh, a few when they go boating, a few while they play and a lot more. Vacation should not be anything where we just go to some holiday spot, sit with our family and check our emails. Our vacation should be really refreshing and rejenuvating. We should be completely into it and disconnect ourselves from our regular work. When we are stressed and tired, we are more likely to become ill. Vacation is like sleep, inadequate sleep can lead to

Pollution Awareness

Everybody likes breathing in fresh air in the gardens. But, do you know how clean is the air you are breathing? Most of the air we breathe is polluted. We all know about rising air pollution in Delhi. A study funded by the World Bank Development Research Group was carried out a survey to study the effects of air pollution.During the study period, they found out that the average total suspended particulate level in Delhi was approximately five-times the World Health Organization's annual average standard and this has been observed in 97% of the days. Researchers say that air pollution is the 5th largest killer in India.   Pollution refers to the contamination of the environment due to harmful substances. There are many types of pollution namely: air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution etc. Currently, air pollution is haunting India. The rise in transportation, vehicles, and factories has led to the rise in air pollution. Few harmful air pollutants are Car

Nuclear energy and its impact

Across the globe, Nuclear energy is considered as the cheapest and most efficient way to produce energy. Though, it uses non-renewable sources like fossils, nuclear plants can produce as much as energy to power the globe if used appropriately. Nuclear power plants have their own pros and cons. Even though it has a handful of advantages, the world has faced huge challenges in maintaining nuclear power plants. Various disastrous incidents has forced various countries to shut down these plants even though they are cost-efficient. Although few countries have these plants in large numbers to fulfill the demand, many developed countries like the United States and Japan have decided to stop generating nuclear energy by 22nd century. Unfortunately,India hasn’t realised this yet and is investing huge amounts to construct nuclear plants. One such example is of the recent Japan Fukushima accident on 11 March 2011. This explosion was a result of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake followe

Importance of teachers in our daily life

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well. ~ Aristotle Education is very important for everyone. A good teacher helps us become a good human being in the society. Not only does it enlighten a child's future, but also brightens the country's future. Doctor Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan once said that teachers form the backbone of the educational society and thus the divine art of shaping the future is in their hands. Teaching is not a mere job, instead it is a huge responsibility educators take up. Teachers are a very essential source of transferring knowledge to students and making the world a better place to live. At first, everyone is just a quint of clay. It is the teacher who mould us into who we will be in our future. Facing the challenges of life without education is very difficult. There is a very familiar saying in Sanskrit that quotes, “Matha(mother),Pitha(f

Importance of literacy in India

Education is one of the key features required to independently sustain in this society. Like food, water and sun; education is also a must for everyone. But how much importance do we give to it? The literacy rate of a country defines its prosperity. It is directly proportional to the country's socio-economic development. Literacy rate of India is 74.04% currently. There is a wide difference between the literacy rate of men and women. According to 2011 census(official), the literacy rate of men is 82.14% while for women it is 65.45% this had a huge impact on India’s development. However, nowadays researchers are happy to hear that this gap is reducing. Education is equal and important for everyone. Classroom is generally a place where multi-cultured people are allowed to study together without discrimination and differences. Various government policies has brought considerable hike in India’s literacy from then. Some examples of those are:- Till 1994, Bihar was the only

Need for Entrepreneurship education at school level in India

India is one of the fastest growing economy marching towards development and safer infrastructure. Our honorable ex-President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s desire was to introduce entrepreneurship learning in the Indian education syllabus at the school level. As you aware, very great inventions like the “zero”, Yoga and “many great medicinal products” were invented by Indians but shockingly, Indian entrepreneurs are only 3% of the world entrepreneurs. Wikipedia defines Entrepreneurship as “the process of designing, launching and running a new  business , which typically begins as a  small business , such as a  startup company , offering a product, process or service for sale or hire. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. While most of the population of graduates are searching for jobs, why don’t they try to keep up their own business? Entrepreneurs create job for themselves as well as create job for others. There is a report says “Over 80% of college gradua


How often do you get angry? How often do you burst into tears? How often do you laugh at your childhood memories? How often do you shout? Do you know why all these happens? Before going deep into this topic, let us first understand intelligence quotient and emotional intelligence.                                     IQ or Intelligence Quotient refers to the person's cognitive intelligence. It is obtained by dividing the mental age which reflects the age grade level of performance. It is a total score derived from several standardised tests designed to asses human intelligence. EQ or Emotional Quotient / intelligence  is all about managing and balancing emotions and also knowing others emotion. Let us dive into the brainy parts that help us to manage the emotions better. The brain is divided into two main parts, the rational side and the emotional side. Rational side:                                                  The neocortex is involved in higher funct