Pollution Awareness

Everybody likes breathing in fresh air in the gardens. But, do you know how clean is the air you are breathing? Most of the air we breathe is polluted.

We all know about rising air pollution in Delhi. A study funded by the World Bank Development Research Group was carried out a survey to study the effects of air pollution.During the study period, they found out that the average total suspended particulate level in Delhi was approximately five-times the World Health Organization's annual average standard and this has been observed in 97% of the days. Researchers say that air pollution is the 5th largest killer in India.

 Pollution refers to the contamination of the environment due to harmful substances. There are many types of pollution namely: air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution etc. Currently, air pollution is haunting India.

The rise in transportation, vehicles, and factories has led to the rise in air pollution. Few harmful air pollutants are Carbon monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, particles of Sulfur dioxide etc. These gases are slow killers. All these pollutants are formed due to few of our irresponsible activities like bursting crackers, burning factory waste etc.They slowing show harmful effects in our body. Few of the diseases that are likely to be caused by air pollution are asthma and other breathing issues, malnutrition, cancer, lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases etc. One of the many deadly effects is malnutrition. Underdeveloped states in India have a higher risk of suffering from these factors.Malnutrition refers to lack of nutrition in the body especially in premature or very young children. It results in lower immunity in children and therefore they lack the energy to fight against these harmful pollutants.In 2012, approximately around 127,000 children under the age of five died from outdoor air pollution.

Generally, we know the air pollution caused by humans but, do we know that air pollution is also natural. Acid rain, volcanic activities, biological decay, forest fires  are all examples of natural pollution. These activities release a lot sulphur and nitrogen oxides.

We can reduce the effect of air pollution on the earth by carpooling, creating an eco-friendly atmosphere by using biodegradable carry bags, saving trees from deforestation and by eating nutritious food.

The world is waiting for a clean and safe environment. I hope we would be able to support and help them out.



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