How often do you get angry? How often do you burst into tears? How often do you laugh at your childhood memories? How often do you shout? Do you know why all these happens? Before going deep into this topic, let us first understand intelligence quotient and emotional intelligence.


IQ or Intelligence Quotient refers to the person's cognitive intelligence. It is obtained by dividing the mental age which reflects the age grade level of performance. It is a total score derived from several standardised tests designed to asses human intelligence.
EQ or Emotional Quotient / intelligence  is all about managing and balancing emotions and also knowing others emotion.
Let us dive into the brainy parts that help us to manage the emotions better.
The brain is divided into two main parts, the rational side and the emotional side.
Rational side:

The neocortex is involved in higher functions such as sensory perception, generation of motor commands, deep thoughts, spatial reasoning, critical judgement and in humans, language. It is considered as a part of the rational side of the brain. In humans, it takes up two thirds of the total brain mass.
This side of the brain deals with planning, decision making, logical and analytical thinking. Some structures included in this side of the brain is listed in this article below:-


Frontal Lobe is the front part of the brain; involved in planning, organizing, problem solving, selective attention, personality. For instance, do you remember soothing your head the last time when you weren't gettting the answer if a mathematical problem? This helps your frontal lobe to relax and find the answer of that problem calmly.Cerebellum is the portion of your brain (located at the back of the brain) which helps you to coordinate movements. Some cerebellar disorders include incoordination, imbalance and troubles with stabilizing eye movements. Occipital Lobe is the region in the back of the brain which processes visual information and helps in the visual recognition of shapes and colours. For example, have you ever noticed that you hit the back of your head when you can not recognise some person?This is to slightly massage the occipital lobe so that the visual image of that particular object strikes your mind.Temporal Lobe helps in sorting new information and is responsible for short term memory.
Let me describe this with a simple example.Your mom commands you to clean the the mess off your room in half an hour. Now, the rational side of the brain comes into action. It helps you look over the problem calmly and orders you to keep the objects in the correct place with the support of the eye.
There are also certain structures in the human brain that are important for your emotions. The limbic system is the main control centre for controlling emotions.


The limbic system is responsible for processing and controlling emotions in the human brain.
It consists of the hypothalamus,hippocampus and the amygdala.

Hypothalamus is a small portion in the base of the brain that is located just below the thalamus. It is important to both emotions and motivation. It is also nicknamed as the brain in the brain as it controls almost everything in our body.The Hypocampus is in the form of a seahorse.It is involved in the storage of long term memory such as recalling past events,knowledge and occurrences.It plays a major role in recording emotions.
Amygdala[1]  is a part of the limbic system that deals with emotions and feelings.The amygdala is in the shape on almond and is responsible for the perception of emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness, as well as the controlling of aggression. The amygdala acts as a storehouse of events and emotions so that an individual may be able to recognize similar events in the future. Let me also describe a scenario with this situation, your brother comes and hits you. As soon as this incident happens, the amygdala takes control over your brain. It possibly comes you to hit him back; even though you know that he is younger than you and it can hurt him.
A research shows that IQ can help you to be successful to only the extent of 20% only in your life. The rest 80% of success depends on your EQ.
Great people like John F.Kenny and dollar general had low IQ level but yet are very successful people as he had good EQ level . It is important, one should know how to control and balance their emotions and make sure that anger doesn't takes over them.
In short, to become successful, just the rational thinking may not be enough, we should also understand the emotions and manage it well.




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