
Showing posts from 2016

Internet of Things & BIG Data Analytics

I nternet o f T hings or IoT , Have you heard it somewhere?. Internet of things is a development of the Internet in which everyday objects/things have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data.This is now used in many technological devices like fridges, cars, home etc. For example, internet of things is used in refrigerators for sending and analysing data or the things present in your fridge. This keeps a track of the items present in your fridge and immediately makes a request to the consent store and place the order on your behalf.  IoT revolution is expected to generate a lot of data. This is referred to as the BIG DATA. Big data is extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally (Analytics) to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. Using this technique,  we can analyse the data gather from a IoT enabled fridge, we can get to know the groceries consumption by the family, FAT

How to finish homework without burning our play time

Are you one of them who use the statement "I don't have time to complete the task" at least once in a day?If so, the below article might help you to manage your time better. What is time management?  It is managing our time effectively and productively. Time management is one of the main aspects of life, It makes us punctual and discipline.  Why some of us are able to accomplish great things while others are not able to do it in the same 24 hours of time. Nowadays, students are not able to balance work and play. Due to this they face many problems like stress, obesity and many more others.  So, how do we manage our time? We have to organize ourselves!, we have to spend time on less priority things. We have to learn to prioritise our work so that we can stay relaxed. Prioritisation is very important as it helps us to complete our work easier, faster and on time. Researchers have found out a table that could help solve our problems in workplaces and

Genome Editing

Can you imagine creating a human with the characteristics that you wish just right in your lab?Curing killer diseases like Alzheimer and cancer with a sniper tool? Yes...It is possible with a new technology. DNA editing or widely known as genome editing. We have always imagined technology to make us lazy but if we use it right, it may save many lives. Let us first understand what is DNA? DNA or D eoxyribo N ucleic  A cid is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, functioning and reproduction of all living organisms. DNA is very essential for life. A gene is a unit of hereditary and is a region of DNA that influences a particular characteristic in an organism. Scientists can now shoo away diseases caused by problem with a single gene.    DNA editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, delete or replaced in the genome of a living organism using engineered nucleases. These nucleases create certain strands which

Fixed Mindset Versus Growth Mindset

                                              This is presently a great scope of debate. First of all, what is a mindset? Mindset is a belief about yourself and your basic qualities. Carol Dweck was the one who found the theory behind two different types of mindsets. There is basically two types of mindset: growth mindset and fixed mindset.What is fixed mindset? It is a state of mind where people believe that all their physical and mental traits are fixed and cannot be changed.                           What is growth mindset?  It is a state of mind that is totally opposite to a fixed mindset. People with the growth mindset believe that their qualities can be changed with continuous hard work and determination. Studies prove that people with a growth mindset are more likely to be successful than people with a fixed mindset.  Now, researchers are brainstorming about the advantages of growth mindset over fixed mindset. People with growth mindset get easily adjusted a


My interview report  I interviewed my uncle Mr. Athinarayanan who is a skilled , never give up , self confident and  involved person . Basically he runs a cyber cafe. I interviewed him to have an idea on how it is to run a business .He is dealing with computers , printers and their service parts. He has been running his business since 20 years and will carry it forward to great heights in the coming years.He was inspired to start this kind of business when he saw students finding difficulty in using computers and surfing net for good information.Starting a business isn't easy ; he also faced financial difficulties and also found it difficult to create a trust between him and the customers. Some skills that he thinks are needed to become a successful entrepreneur are determination, hard work,patience and self confidence.The location for  the business is also equally important. He put up his shop on the main road near a school to enable students to give easy access to com


This summer I got a chance to overlook through one of India’s traditional occupations in my village.   Weaving is one of the traditional occupations of India. The journey of a ball of cotton to a fancy dress we wear; involves the hard work of many people and is indeed an exciting journey to discover! It all begins with the cotton plant where it is plucked and processed in mills and then ends with beautiful dresses. The cotton mills take the challenge!           It starts with a process called mixing where the cotton is all shuffled and mixed.                        Then the cotton travels through the blow room laps where the cotton and its seeds are separated.             Next the cotton travels through the carding and drawing processes where they are converted into threads.           The simplex process converts these threads into even thinner threads.            The spinning and cone winding process groups these threads into bu

Imagine you have a touch of magic and can make impossible things happen, what would you do?

If I have a touch of magic and could make impossible things happen, I would be the luckiest person in the world. I vouch not to misuse my magic, instead use it towards the nation development. I'll to make the following wishes which would help our nation. I'll improve the literacy rate in India by building schools, issuing free books, notebooks and all adequate infrastructures. Subsequently, I would change the mindset of our neighboring countries, so that, our armed forces need not to spend so much money on national security. I'll also change the mindset of terrorists so that they will become good citizens of the nation. I'll make yoga as compulsory in all the schools and colleges I'll stop corruption so that India can march towards a "developed country" status. I'll make India as a head of "Organic Agriculture" and help people living natural way. I’ll interlink all the riv
Hi friends!   This is my new blog where i will share all my creative ideas. Hope you all like it!