I nternet o f T hings or IoT , Have you heard it somewhere?. Internet of things is a development of the Internet in which everyday objects/things have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data.This is now used in many technological devices like fridges, cars, home etc. For example, internet of things is used in refrigerators for sending and analysing data or the things present in your fridge. This keeps a track of the items present in your fridge and immediately makes a request to the consent store and place the order on your behalf. IoT revolution is expected to generate a lot of data. This is referred to as the BIG DATA. Big data is extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally (Analytics) to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. Using this technique, we can analyse the data gather from a IoT enabled fridge, we can get to know the groceries consumption by the fam...
If I have a touch of magic and could make impossible things happen, I would be the luckiest person in the world. I vouch not to misuse my magic, instead use it towards the nation development. I'll to make the following wishes which would help our nation. I'll improve the literacy rate in India by building schools, issuing free books, notebooks and all adequate infrastructures. Subsequently, I would change the mindset of our neighboring countries, so that, our armed forces need not to spend so much money on national security. I'll also change the mindset of terrorists so that they will become good citizens of the nation. I'll make yoga as compulsory in all the schools and colleges I'll stop corruption so that India can march towards a "developed country" status. I'll make India as a head of "Organic Agriculture" and help people living natural way. I’ll interlink all the riv...
India is one of the fastest growing economy marching towards development and safer infrastructure. Our honorable ex-President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s desire was to introduce entrepreneurship learning in the Indian education syllabus at the school level. As you aware, very great inventions like the “zero”, Yoga and “many great medicinal products” were invented by Indians but shockingly, Indian entrepreneurs are only 3% of the world entrepreneurs. Wikipedia defines Entrepreneurship as “the process of designing, launching and running a new business , which typically begins as a small business , such as a startup company , offering a product, process or service for sale or hire. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. While most of the population of graduates are searching for jobs, why don’t they try to keep up their own business? Entrepreneurs create job for themselves as well as create job for others. There is a report says “Over 80% of ...