Genome Editing
Can you imagine creating a human with the characteristics that you wish just right in your lab?Curing killer diseases like Alzheimer and cancer with a sniper tool? Yes...It is possible with a new technology.

DNA editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, delete or replaced in the genome of a living organism using engineered nucleases. These nucleases create certain strands which are repaired and later results in targeted edits. Modifying the DNA sequence of an organism and observing the impact is called reverse genetics. CRISPR-CAS9 is one of the techniques in DNA editing .It is a technique in which CRISPR is inserted inside the body through a virus as it cannot be injected directly. This virus damages the cell and ultimately the DNA . CAS9 is likely a bio scissors that is shortly destroyed after the DNA is replaced or found. Then the desired part of the DNA is replaced. DNA editing is known to doctors or scientists as biological cut, copy and paste. Recent studies show that DNA editing has made it possible to bring back vision to a blind rat. It is also being tested with monkeys. Researchers in China are trying to edit the genes in an embryo with the help of genome editing. It is proven that a girl has been cured from cancer with the help of genome editing. Do you all know that April 25 is celebrated as world DNA day?!
I hope DNA editing can change our future and save many lives.
Excellent write up. Keep it up!