How to finish homework without burning our play time

Are you one of them who use the statement "I don't have time to complete the task" at least once in a day?If so, the below article might help you to manage your time better.

What is time management? 
It is managing our time effectively and productively. Time management is one of the main aspects of life, It makes us punctual and discipline.  Why some of us are able to accomplish great things while others are not able to do it in the same 24 hours of time. Nowadays, students are not able to balance work and play. Due to this they face many problems like stress, obesity and many more others. 

So, how do we manage our time? We have to organize ourselves!, we have to spend time on less priority things. We have to learn to prioritise our work so that we can stay relaxed. Prioritisation is very important as it helps us to complete our work easier, faster and on time. Researchers have found out a table that could help solve our problems in workplaces and in schools or collages too. The table is known as Covey time management grid or the matrix time management grid by Stephen Covey.The matrix is also known as Eisenhower's urgent- important principle.This table gives us a clue on what to put in first and what to look at the last. 

The table helps us differentiate between two important aspects - urgent and important. Urgent tasks are tasks that have a immediate deadline and needs to be completed soon. Important tasks can be life time missions yet to be accomplished. Urgent tasks are not always important and important tasks are not always urgent. We need to mainly focus on the "manage" and "focus" quadrant.This table basically distinguishes between tasks that are important and urgent and makes us stress free.

I hope the above mentioned technique would help us to prioritise and complete our home work  with out fail rather than burning our play time and completing our home work.

Matrix time management grid


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