These hormones are also called the "HAPPY HORMONES" as they promote happiness and pleasure by reducing anxiety and depression.

Hormones are chemical substances that are released directly into the blood in minor amounts of nanogram/ml. They ensure homeostasis and proper functioning of the body.

According to statistics, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety. That's indeed a huge number. 

Luckily, the human body has built mechanisms to control anxiety and depression which is prevalent in today's generation. Four main hormones which play an important role in regulating mental stability include:

1. Dopamine

2. Serotonin

3. Oxytocin

4. Endorphins

DOPAMINE - They are called the "feel-good hormones". It acts on the brain's reward system. It allows us to feel pleasure, satisfaction and motivation.

SEROTONIN - It is called the "mood stabilizer". It is a neurotransmitter with a wide range of functions. It regulates mood, sleep wake cycle and digestion. It is present as a component in antidepressant drugs and is used to treat depression.

OXYTOCIN - It is also called the "cuddle hormones" or "love hormone".  It is released in the blood during labour, cuddles and hugs. It plays a major role in regulating the male and female reproductive systems. It reduces blood pressure, increases pain thresholds and promotes growth and healing. It regulates our emotional responses by reviving positive memories, feelings of trust, empathy and love.

ENDORPHINS - They are the "natural painkillers". The name translates to morphine present inside the body (endo + morphine = endorphins) Beta endorphins are the most popularly discussed ones. They bind to the pain receptors in the brain and thus reduce the pain signals transmitted to the brain. They are much more powerful than the drug itself in terms of relieving pain, anxiety and stress. It helps to regulate mood by promoting pleasure and happiness. It maintains mental health and balance. Further, it also increases the feeling of well being. 

While these hormones are naturally present in the body and released as per requirements, sometimes their insufficiency may lead to mental illnesses.

Deficiency of:

  • Dopamine may lead to Parkinson's disease. It can make you feel tired and moody.
  • Serotonin may lead to anxiety, depression and mania.
  • Oxytocin may cause autism spectrum disorder and depression.
  • Endorphins may lead to fibromyalatory syndrome, panic attacks and depression.

On the bright side, these hormones can be boosted naturally by making small lifestyle changes.

Ways to naturally increase the hormone production in our body include:

  • Exercise preferably cardio
  • Taking a good night sleep
  • Listening to music
  • Cooking
  • Indulging yourself in some form of artwork
  • Running 
  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Including citrus fruits in your diet as they boost the production of dopamine
  • Dark chocolate
  • Nuts 
  • Leafy veggies
  • Massaging
We must refrain ourselves from indulging in harmful activities like consuming alcohol, smoking and taking drugs to stimulate the release of happy hormones as they have long term harmful effects on the human body both physically and mentally.

However, too much of anything is bad. The body has in built feedback mechanisms to control the quantity of hormones released into the bloodstream. But when the body fails to regulate this due to various factors, it can cause adverse effects in the body.

Too much of dopamine can lead to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), binge eating, addiction and gambling. It can show symptoms of being too competitive and aggressive.

Excess of oxytocin may cause hypertrophy of the uterus.

Excess of serotonin may cause restlessness, irritability and depression.

Excess of endorphins may cause increased risk of developing depression, anxiety and body aches.

However, in order to claim maximum benefits from these hormones consult with a registered medical practitioner. This will help you to take an informed decision.




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