The Art of Appreciation

According to William James, a well-known psychologist and philosopher, “The deepest principle of human nature is a craving to be appreciated.”

We often take everything for granted and aim for the “ideal lifestyle” that we forget about what we already possess.
In this busy world, we are more focused on achieving what we want, we often forgetting about what we have. Appreciation is very important in life. It empowers people to continue and keep moving. Everybody in the world deserves to be valued.

Gratitude is a very powerful human emotion. It can be expressed to everybody and everything.
The world is a very beautiful place to live. The greenery, large glaciers, bright flora and vibrant fauna are few of the things which are to be cherished. Appreciating is not a duty which should be done only by some. For example, neither it is the duty of the nature photographer to appreciate the nature, nor the duty of a teacher to appreciate a student. Everything is voluntary.
It is not that people who assist us in life are doing so because it is their job to do. Rather, they do it out of their free will and concern towards us. These type of people who sacrifice everything for us must be rewarded or at least appreciated. For instance, neither it is our mother’s job to cook for us every day nor our dad’s job to buy everything we desire. Parents, friends, teachers, relatives and all others must be appreciated from time to time which will help them feel valued and noticed.

Few simple words of appreciation can greatly change somebody’s life.
It boosts self-confidence, increases self-esteem, and self-energy. It deepens relationships, builds trust, increases effectiveness, creates good memories, brings respect. Surprisingly, appreciation leads to a reduction in physical ailments too. It reduces stress and anxiety. It will help people to know how barren our life would be without them.It is like a fuel which helps to keep moving. Appreciating not always means a tip or a thank you. A warm smile or positive feedback is also equivalent to it.

We get in return what we give. It is well known that not only appreciate but also being appreciated is a great feeling. Expressing appreciation also has a profound effect on ourselves. It lowers depression and insomnia levels. It helps one to feel happier. Appreciation has a great effect on the human brain. According to a study, people who express more gratitude are said to have more hypothalamic activity in their brain. When we express gratitude and receive the same, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel ‘good’. They enhance our mood immediately, making us feel happy from the inside. Auto suggestion is an effective self-appreciation method which can greatly influence mental health. 
Appreciation is a powerful tool and helps to shape one’s life for the better.

In the end, I would like you all to take up a challenge. This evening, push aside all your commitments ring up or text or meet your well-wishers and loved ones and appreciate them for all they have done for you.
After all, time and tide wait for none and we never know what surprises life has for us!!! 
Hence, I would like to express my gratitude to all my readers for taking out time to read this article.




  1. Very good Karish...Keep it up.

  2. Excellent Karishma. You are right. In this competitive world we forget to appreciate our dear ones. Even I realise many instances after reading this writeup. Continue writing such eye opening blogs.

  3. Nyc work karish. These are the true facts, the response they receive for their activity will encourage them in both scenario's in success as well as failure. Really happy to read this article keep it up karish.

  4. Great article Karish. Really nice to see such a great life thoughts from you at this age. Appreciate all your hard work and effort in writing this and live up to it. Proud of you.

  5. Great research, resulted in this masterpiece! It was a very informative read Karish. Keep writing and keep inspiring :)


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