
Showing posts from December, 2016

Internet of Things & BIG Data Analytics

I nternet o f T hings or IoT , Have you heard it somewhere?. Internet of things is a development of the Internet in which everyday objects/things have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data.This is now used in many technological devices like fridges, cars, home etc. For example, internet of things is used in refrigerators for sending and analysing data or the things present in your fridge. This keeps a track of the items present in your fridge and immediately makes a request to the consent store and place the order on your behalf.  IoT revolution is expected to generate a lot of data. This is referred to as the BIG DATA. Big data is extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally (Analytics) to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. Using this technique,  we can analyse the data gather from a IoT enabled fridge, we can get to know the groceries consumption by the fam...

How to finish homework without burning our play time

Are you one of them who use the statement "I don't have time to complete the task" at least once in a day?If so, the below article might help you to manage your time better. What is time management?  It is managing our time effectively and productively. Time management is one of the main aspects of life, It makes us punctual and discipline.  Why some of us are able to accomplish great things while others are not able to do it in the same 24 hours of time. Nowadays, students are not able to balance work and play. Due to this they face many problems like stress, obesity and many more others.  So, how do we manage our time? We have to organize ourselves!, we have to spend time on less priority things. We have to learn to prioritise our work so that we can stay relaxed. Prioritisation is very important as it helps us to complete our work easier, faster and on time. Researchers have found out a table that could help solve our problems in workplaces and ...