Momento - mori

Momento - mori is a Latin word which roughly translates to - remember you must die ! This is a very quirky opener to my write up! In this busy world, more often than not, we are anxious about our future that we forget to enjoy the present. We tend to always look forward to things which we have to achieve but sadly forget about what we have in our hands. While it might be good in terms of development, it sometimes drains us mentally and leads to procrastination and disinterest towards the work we are doing. People who have undergone Near Death Experiences or are suffering from terminal illness might be well aware of this. While “death” is considered as an inauspicious word, the thought that humans are mortal can do wonders psychologically. That’s where the phrase - "Momento - mori" comes to power. We all know that humans are mortal beings. We all come with a definitive expiry date which we may or may not be aware of. Certain things that death reminds us are : 1) G...