Nuclear energy and its impact

Across the globe, Nuclear energy is considered as the cheapest and most efficient way to produce energy. Though, it uses non-renewable sources like fossils, nuclear plants can produce as much as energy to power the globe if used appropriately. Nuclear power plants have their own pros and cons. Even though it has a handful of advantages, the world has faced huge challenges in maintaining nuclear power plants. Various disastrous incidents has forced various countries to shut down these plants even though they are cost-efficient. Although few countries have these plants in large numbers to fulfill the demand, many developed countries like the United States and Japan have decided to stop generating nuclear energy by 22nd century. Unfortunately,India hasn’t realised this yet and is investing huge amounts to construct nuclear plants. One such example is of the recent Japan Fukushima accident on 11 March 2011. This explosion was a result of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake followe...