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These hormones are also called the "HAPPY HORMONES" as they promote happiness and pleasure by reducing anxiety and depression. Hormones are chemical substances that are released directly into the blood in minor amounts of nanogram/ml. They ensure homeostasis and proper functioning of the body. According to statistics, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety. That's indeed a huge number.  Luckily, the human body has built mechanisms to control anxiety and depression which is prevalent in today's generation. Four main hormones which play an important role in regulating mental stability include: 1. Dopamine 2. Serotonin 3. Oxytocin 4. Endorphins DOPAMINE - They are called the "feel-good hormones". It acts on the brain's reward system. It allows us to feel pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. SEROTONIN - It is called the "mood stabilizer". It is a neurotransmitter with a wide range of functions. It reg


Have you ever wondered as to how 5 mins of listening to your favorite music functions like a drug by calming your mind and elevating your mood? Don't be surprised if I say that all these effects that you are experiencing in your day to day life is scientifically proven... Listening to music has always been a way of escaping from the mundaneness of everyday life. Additionally, it is said to bring calmness, reduce stress, pain and symptoms of depression. Different types of music has different impacts on people.  Scientifically, music is said to have a profound effect on the human body, particularly mental health. Recent studies prove that music can improve human behavior and brain functions. Music improves the cognitive and motor function of the brain, it improves memory, establishes connections and aids in  neurogenesis- the ability to generate newer neurons. In the book The Power Of Music, Elena Mannes says, "Scientists have found that music stimulates more parts of the brain