
Showing posts from November, 2016

Genome Editing

Can you imagine creating a human with the characteristics that you wish just right in your lab?Curing killer diseases like Alzheimer and cancer with a sniper tool? Yes...It is possible with a new technology. DNA editing or widely known as genome editing. We have always imagined technology to make us lazy but if we use it right, it may save many lives. Let us first understand what is DNA? DNA or D eoxyribo N ucleic  A cid is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, functioning and reproduction of all living organisms. DNA is very essential for life. A gene is a unit of hereditary and is a region of DNA that influences a particular characteristic in an organism. Scientists can now shoo away diseases caused by problem with a single gene.    DNA editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, delete or replaced in the genome of a living organism using engineered nucleases. These nucleases create certain strands which

Fixed Mindset Versus Growth Mindset

                                              This is presently a great scope of debate. First of all, what is a mindset? Mindset is a belief about yourself and your basic qualities. Carol Dweck was the one who found the theory behind two different types of mindsets. There is basically two types of mindset: growth mindset and fixed mindset.What is fixed mindset? It is a state of mind where people believe that all their physical and mental traits are fixed and cannot be changed.                           What is growth mindset?  It is a state of mind that is totally opposite to a fixed mindset. People with the growth mindset believe that their qualities can be changed with continuous hard work and determination. Studies prove that people with a growth mindset are more likely to be successful than people with a fixed mindset.  Now, researchers are brainstorming about the advantages of growth mindset over fixed mindset. People with growth mindset get easily adjusted a


My interview report  I interviewed my uncle Mr. Athinarayanan who is a skilled , never give up , self confident and  involved person . Basically he runs a cyber cafe. I interviewed him to have an idea on how it is to run a business .He is dealing with computers , printers and their service parts. He has been running his business since 20 years and will carry it forward to great heights in the coming years.He was inspired to start this kind of business when he saw students finding difficulty in using computers and surfing net for good information.Starting a business isn't easy ; he also faced financial difficulties and also found it difficult to create a trust between him and the customers. Some skills that he thinks are needed to become a successful entrepreneur are determination, hard work,patience and self confidence.The location for  the business is also equally important. He put up his shop on the main road near a school to enable students to give easy access to com