
Showing posts from July, 2016

Imagine you have a touch of magic and can make impossible things happen, what would you do?

If I have a touch of magic and could make impossible things happen, I would be the luckiest person in the world. I vouch not to misuse my magic, instead use it towards the nation development. I'll to make the following wishes which would help our nation. I'll improve the literacy rate in India by building schools, issuing free books, notebooks and all adequate infrastructures. Subsequently, I would change the mindset of our neighboring countries, so that, our armed forces need not to spend so much money on national security. I'll also change the mindset of terrorists so that they will become good citizens of the nation. I'll make yoga as compulsory in all the schools and colleges I'll stop corruption so that India can march towards a "developed country" status. I'll make India as a head of "Organic Agriculture" and help people living natural way. I’ll interlink all the riv